Tuesday, December 31, 2019

This chart shows you the 50 best jobs in America

This chart shows you the 50 best jobs in AmericaThis chart shows you the 50 best jobs in AmericaGo to college and get a high-paying job.Thats what most parents say they want for their children. But its hard to figure out which career path offers both high compensation and widespread demand. Thats why we created a new visualization breaking down the top 50 best jobs in America according toU.S. News World Report.U.S. News developed its ranking of the best jobs by taking into account a variety of factors. They considered work-life balance, stress levels, and room for long-term career advancement. We took the top 50 and narrowed the focus to the two key things that really matter, compensation and projected job growth. We maintained the same order from 1 to 50, but our approach reveals that high job growth doesnt necessarily equate to high salaries, especially when there are low barriers to entry.Heres what we mean. All of the occupations at the top of the ranking generate six-figure inc omes with the exceptions of statisticians ($84.1k) and occupational therapists ($83.2k). There are several jobs in themedical field where applicants can expect to earn substantially more than $200,000, including orthodontists, obstetricians and surgeons. But look at the orange bars, which indicate how many new jobs researchers expect will be created in the coming years. We can rightly infer there is a relatively high bar of entry into these fields, namely, medical school. Not just anyone can become a doctor.Now compare these high-paying jobs with the middle and lower parts of the visual. There are a number of jobs with a reasonable degree of specialization, high pay and abundant job growth. Business operations managers, for example, can expect to make $100.4k while seeing well over 200,000 new similar positions in the next decade. And there are also very low-paid occupations with very little training required, like landscapers.If youre thinking about making a career change, there ar e two occupations that stand out to us. The Internet Age requires software developers. They have the best job overall according to U.S. News, and its easy to see why with the combination of high pay and strong future job growth. Plus, the nature of writing software is engaging and intellectually difficult.And second, Baby Boomers are entering their golden years and require lots of additional nurses, a job which requires professional certification. And although lots of people will clearly become nurses in the coming years, theres an obvious wage floor of about $70k that would provide almost anyone with a comfortable life.DataTable 1.1This article was originally published on HowMuch.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Being a Forensic Ballistics Expert

Being a Forensic Ballistics ExpertBeing a Forensic Ballistics ExpertIts a tough job, but somebodys got to do it. Perhaps youve seen them on CSI or Mythbusters. Batman even tried his hand at it in The Dark Knight. Forensic ballistics experts can be found throughout popular culture, on television, in books, and in movies. With the popularity of so many crime shows and films, its easy to see why someone would be interested in such a fascinating career as a ballistics expert. What Forensic Ballistic Experts Do Forensic ballistics analysis is a specialty within forensic science. Like fruchtwein forensics investigators, forensic ballistics experts perform the bulk of their investigative work in a laboratory. The evidence they analyze, however, is collected in the field. Ballistics experts may examine a crime scene themselves, or they may simply analyze evidence submitted to them by other crime scene investigators, detectives, or versicherungspolice officers. Forensics ballistics expert s specialize in looking at anything that has to do with firearms, from identification of a specific round or weapon to determining the trajectory of a bullet. Ballistics experts can identify the caliber of a round and, with the help of national databases, can learn where the bullet was manufactured and possibly even the gun that fired it. Additionally, forensic ballistics experts may be involved in crime scene mapping. With computer-aided design programs, photogrammetry and laser measuring tools, ballistics experts can determine the location from which a round was fired or the direction it traveled, making the search for physical evidence easier. These crime scene maps can be used to create diagrams for police reports or courtroom presentations. Ballistics experts may be called to lift fingerprints from spent shell casings or help collect DNA samples from expended rounds. The job of a forensic ballistics expert often includes Collecting evidencePerforming gunshot residue analysisPho tographing crime scenesAnalyzing firearms evidenceIdentifying the caliber of bulletsIdentifying the type of firearm usedFiring test roundsWriting reportsProviding courtroom testimony Ballistics experts can expect to work standard business hours, but they may be called to a crime scene at any hour. Often, the scenes they investigate are grisly, due to the nature of the crimes they respond to. Most forensic ballistic experts work for large police or sheriffs offices or a state or federal crime lab. With experience, though, ballistics experts can earn lucrative salaries working as consultants or contractors in the private sector. Many expertswork for attorneys or private investigative firms. Education and Skill Requirements Like other forensic science technicians, forensic ballistics experts must typically have a bachelors degree or relevant comparable experience in the natural sciences. Specifically, a strong understanding of physics is necessary. In addition to a college educatio n, ballistics experts must undergo extensive training and maintain a strong working knowledge of all areas related to ballistics, such as types of firearms, types of bullets, muzzle velocities and gunshot residue, to name just a few. The Job Outlook All areas within forensic science investigations are expected to see higher than average growth over the next several years. It is due largely in part to continued advances in technology and an increased public interest in, and demand for, better analysis of evidence. The Average Salary Annual salary potential for ballistics experts can range between around $30,00 to more than $80,00, with the average salary near $55,000 per year. Getting Started on a Career Its important to remember that forensic ballistics experts, like bloodstain pattern analysts and other forensic specialists, often start out as general forensic science technicians and work their way into a specialty. Entry level positions as a ballistics expert, then, wi ll be few and far between. Instead, those interested in a ballistics expert career will want to consider entering the workforce as a forensic technician and gain the required training and experience on the job. How to Determine if a Career as a Forensic Ballistics Expert is Right for You If you are interested in a criminology career and have a fond appreciation for firearms or physics, a career as a forensic ballistics expert may be a great choice for you. The work of a ballistics expert provides the perfect blend of fieldwork, science, and problem-solving for even the most curious and inquisitive mind. The job is not for the faint of heart, but if you have a strong stomach and enjoy puzzles, working as a forensic ballistics effort may be the perfect criminal justice career

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hiring a Music Lawyer

Hiring a Music LawyerHiring a Music LawyerIf youre entering into any kind of deal in the music industry where money and contracts are involved, you should probably hire an entertainment or music lawyer. Youre looking for someone who specializes in things like record labelcontracts, and who knows the industry. Finding an entertainment lawyer for the first time can be a little overwhelming, but it is possible to find one who understands your needs and your budget. Dont wait to hire a lawyer if you think you need one (or even if youre bedrngnis totally sure). Here are some steps to take when you want to hire a music lawyer. Determine Your Needs Music lawyers are under the umbrella of entertainment law, and many specialize in a certain part of the music industry. Understanding what you need legal help with will make it easier for you to find a lawyer who is up to the task. Knowing whether you are looking to build a long-term relationship with a lawyer is also something to consider. D o you need an entertainment lawyer on a one-time basis, or do you need to keep a lawyer on retainer? If youre new to the business and this is your first contract, you probably dont need to put a lawyer on a (costly) retainer. That kind of arrangement is more appropriate for a label managing multiple artists, or someone negotiating numerous contracts with different parties. Maybe you need help with contract negotiation or dealing with intellectual property issues. If youre not sure, better to get a lawyer to find out. If possible, your lawyer should be present with you during any negotiations with the other party. At the very least, your lawyer needs to read over and approve any contracts or other documents before you sign them. How to Find a Lawyer Once you know what you need from a lawyer, start asking those in your music industry circles. You are almost certain to know someone who has had to visit a lawyer for a music industry issue before. There is no substitute for a recomme ndation from someone who has had a good experience with a music lawyer, or a warning from someone who has been burned. Your contacts contacts are your best pool of information. But its also smart to do some independent research. Start by doing a Google search for entertainment lawyers in your area. Who do they represent? Have they ever been sued or had any legal issues of their own? These are the questions youll want to have answered before you hire anyone. Recommendations are the best way to find a lawyer. But obviously, you should decline any advice from the party on the other side of your legal issue. They may have good intentions, but you cant be too sure. You want someone who is representing your interests without any conflicts. If you live in a town without any music- or entertainment-focused attorneys, expand your search. Read reviews from old clients and check out websites to figure out who specializes in what part of the music industry. While you are doing your research, be sure to check for any complaints about your short list of lawyer names with the bar association. Avvo.com can also help. Meet With Your Short List Whether you do it by phone or in person, have a brief question and answer session with your short list of lawyers. Find out what they specialize in, how soon they can work on your case, how much they charge and what their payment terms are. If you get a bad feeling or just dont hit it off with a candidate, dont feel any obligation to hire them. After you have had your anfangsbuchstabe meetings with your short list, choose the lawyer that has the skills for your particular case at a price you can afford. It is also important that you feel comfortable with your lawyer. You need someone who listens to you and wants to get you the best possible deal.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Differences Between a Resume Objective and Summary

Differences Between a Resume Objective and SummaryDifferences Between a Resume Objective and SummaryAt the top of most resumes, you will find a summary or an objective. But what are the differences between a resume objective and summary? It turns out the differences are quite important and very big.1. Objectives are almost obsolete. Summaries are common.You will find this is a popular opinion amongst those who have to read resumes and make hiring decisions Objectives are dead. This advice usually appears right next to advice on how to write the perfect summary.The reason objectives are not commonly used is explained below. Currently, more than 90% of resumes contain a summary instead of an objective. You will find more advice from resume writers stating why objectives should be completely left off. However, there is a time and place for them.2. Objectives are what the job candidate wants. Summaries are what the job candidate provides.Objectives used to be all about, I plan on doing t his in my career and this is where I hope to be one day. They were statements of ambitions geared to let the company know your objectives are aligned with the job description and company. If you wanted to state what your mission is to an employer, an objective would be great.However, over the belastung 15 to 20 years companies started finding a summary much more useful. The company has its objectives, and summaries showif the job candidate can help the company achieve them.Ultimately, companies wanted to know more about the value the job candidate brings to the company and what he/she could do for the business. The summary is more of a giving statement than a wanting statement.3. Objectives are suited for college graduates or career changes.Objectives work great for those with no experience to add in a summary. You would use an objective to explain what you want to do because you have no experience to summarize. The same applies if you are changing careers. You have to state what yo u intend to do because a summary is for those with a long work history in a specific career.4. Objectives and summaries are structured differently.An objective can almost be structured like a really short cover letter of only a few sentences. A summary will be more focused on the needs of the employer while still remaining short and succinct. Both an objective and summary can be about the same length of 40 to 50 words.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How to speak up and advocate for your accomplishments at work

How to speak up and advocate for your accomplishments at workHow to speak up and advocate for your accomplishments at workJust because youre an introvert doesnt mean you dont have a lot to offer your workplace.Heres how to advocate for yourself in the office when youre not the most outgoing employee in the bunch.Show your enthusiasm when you talkCIO Magazine features an article about how shy people like those in IT can get better at self-promotion, with commentary from career coach Curt Rosengren, who used to work in tech.The hang-up most people have with self-promotion has to do with the fact that they dont like to talk about themselves, particularly in the context of greatness. So its helpful to think of self-promotion not as talking about yourself, but as talking about your work.And if youre enthusiastic about your work, self-promotion becomes that much easier, notes Curt Rosengren, the career coach.If youre talking about a technology or project that youre passionate about, the se lf-promotion becomes a byproduct of the passion, he says.Assume a roleAn article in The Cut about how self-conscious people can get better at self-promotion includes the tip, pretend youre playing a part. The piece features advice from Ellen Hendriksen, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and the author of How to Be Yourself. After she talks in detail about entering a role, the article continuesIts a nice way of tricking yourself into doing something you dont want to do. But after the fact, remember to look back, and to mentally stitch those two selves back together. If you look back and youre like, Huh, I just gave a talk to 500 people. Hmm. Maybe I can do that, Hendriksen said, this can be a sort of backward route to self-confidence. By watching yourself do it, you start to believe you can do it. Its thinking, Okay, maybe now I can give a talk, or be on stage. Not just me in this role, but me, as myself. But I think that only happens in hindsight. Show off what youre good atStephanie P eterson, co-founder of PhotoFeeler.com, writes in The Muse that introverts should identify (and flaunt) your quiet strengths.Once youve recognized what your strengths are, try to find ways to call attention to them in the office. For me, that simply meant saying out loud what I was already thinking. Ive always preferred reading non-fiction at home to crowded social events on the weekends, but during conversation with acquaintances and colleagues, I neglected to voice the references that came to mind. It wasnt until opening up that I gained a reputation as a trusty source of thoughtful, interesting information.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Purdue Owl Resume: No Longer a Mystery

Purdue Owl Resume No Longer a Mystery Application businesses are throughout the internet, so you could have come across My Perfect Curriculum vitae. Thats because your documents should fit your personal work history and the demands of the job for which youre applying. Bear in mind this specific template is ideal for people with some or significant work experience only. Templates also show you exactly what elements you will need to put in your document. That hiring manager needs to be fired. Rather than mentioning ways to help your organization succeed, state directly that you are able to help XYZ Company to succeed. Many occasions the ideal job applicant is screened out due to an inadequate job application. You dont need to contact them about each job opportunity but if you are especially interested in a position and its looking positive, call the reference and explain what the provider is searching for. A Startling Fact about Purdue Owl Resume Uncovered Thats the reason why we must make sure your resume stands out from the crowd (in a very good way). But remember how you format your resume is extremely important based on how much experience youve got, or in case you have any job gaps. Many start searching through the forums searching for a good slice of advice. A Secret Weapon for Purdue Owl Resume Summaries are usually utilised to condense bigger texts into more manageable chucks. The exact first key is to comprehend how resumes are arranged. It is possible to also use a template to make your personalized resumes and letters. Keep in contact with your job references. As a consequence, imagination itself will take a new definition. If you decide to go with a paragraph narrative, then your creative writing skills want to be strong. Online writing labs play a significant role in writing center assistance since they allow writers to use a number of the centers resources remotely. If you need assistance incorporating your sources into your essay, the very first thing youre going to want to bear in mind is that quotes cannot stand alone--they cant be set in a sentence all by themselves. This writing company makes sure their papers are all the good quality and all the customers are pleased. The internet site will request that you decide on a deal in an attempt to download or print your new resume. Gladly, theres an expert on-line help that could help you with any type of academic paper. Use the search box to find precisely what you want to get. These individuals must be ready to answer questions about you and know what things to anticipate. In case you had only left out a number of words in mid-sentence, then you wouldnt require a period. However, everything changes and we attempt to keep yourself updated with the times. Lastly, youre the owl at purdue owl. It to find more details about purdue owl. Now, with OWL, the very same help can be found via electronic mail for everybody on the web. The Downside Ris k of Purdue Owl Resume Future employers wish to observe how your experience has prepared you to fulfill their requirements. Even if your blog isnt associated with the organization or position, it is going to reveal your writing skills and provide the employer more insight in your nature and interests. I think theres an increasing awareness that success in any certain field depends on being in a position to write and communicate information in the area, Harris states. Use keywords from the work description if at all possible. Finding the info is as easy as typing in an e-mail message. Full Driving Entitlements a Facilities Director, you will probably be requested to oversee a lot more than 1 webpage at exactly the same moment. What You Need to Do About Purdue Owl Resume Beginning in the Next Six Minutes Hiring managers also are looking for answers to some crucial questions in your resume. Lists, as a rule of thumb, are also simpler to write. To assist you understand whats a prospect for ada section 508 compliance. For instance, if an example resume lacks a skills section, but you wish to include one, you need to do so. A work software is simply a promotion with the vital objective to get the candidate a piece conference. As you arent centered on getting the suitable undertaking, well ensure you dont miss any Therefore its good in the occasion that you are able to make changes based on the work and business youre employing. If you have to miss an interview, you need to cancel it in advance. In various ways, an objective replaces a lot of the detail you would set in your professional experience section. If you would like to find high high quality research and thesis papers punctually and for a fair price, you should probably attempt using EssaySupply.com. In this instance, your publishing history could play an important part in whether youre hired or not. The Purdue Owl Resume Game The Purdue OWL provides global support through internet ref erence materials and solutions. A number of the handouts include exercises that would be beneficial for teachers, too, Harris states. When you initiate the application, you will be provided access to a digital classroom interface. What to Expect From Purdue Owl Resume? Following that, adjudge if you wish to go on addition date. Use ellipsis marks should you want to leave something from the midst of a quotation (perhaps its not needed or will make your quotation too long).

Monday, December 2, 2019

Intuit Together We Prosper

Intuit Together We Prosper We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to prosper, but opportunities dont come equally. When industries evolve, people and communities get left behind. Intuit invests in people by bringing Prosperity Hubs into distressed communities. By creating new jobs, promoting financial well-being through education programs, and teaching skills that accelerate entrepreneurship, Prosperity Hubs are helping local economies rebuild and thrive. Because Intuit believes that TogetherWeProsperTo join the team at Intuit, click here to see all of their available opportunities and dont forget to press Follow to receive custom job matches, event invitations and mora One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the brde time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it i s also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives lumineszenzdiode to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contrib utor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.